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Pb-Zn-Ag sedimentar exhalativo

by Don MacIntyre
British Columbia Geological Survey


Ref: Pb-Zn-Ag, sedimentar, exhalativo, sedex, folhelho, galena, esfalerita, pirita,

MacIntyre, Don (1995): Sedimentary Exhalative Zn-Pb-Ag, in Selected British Columbia Mineral Deposit Profiles, Volume 1 - Metallics and Coal, Lefebure, D.V. and Ray, G.E., Editors, British Columbia Ministry of Energy of Employment and Investment, Open File 1995-20, pages 37-39.


SYNONYMS: Shale-hosted Zn-Pb-Ag; sediment-hosted massive sulphide Zn-Pb-Ag; Sedex Zn- Pb.

COMMODITIES (BYPRODUCTS): Zn, Pb, Ag, (minor Cu, barite).

EXAMPLES (British Columbia - Canada/International): Cirque, Sullivan, Driftpile; Faro, Grum, Dy, Vangorda, Swim, Tom and Jason (Yukon, Canada), Red Dog (Alaska, USA), McArthur River and Mt. Isa (Australia); Megen and Rammelsberg (Germany).


CAPSULE DESCRIPTION: Beds and laminations of sphalerite, galena, pyrite, pyrrhotite and rare chalcopyrite, with or without barite, in euxinic clastic marine sedimentary strata.. Deposits are typically tabular to lensoidal in shape and range from centimetres to tens of metres thick. Multiple horizons may occur over stratigraphic intervals of 1000 m or more.

TECTONIC SETTING: Intracratonic or continental margin environments in fault-controlled basins and troughs. Troughs are typically half grabens developed by extension along continental margins or within back-arc basins.

DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT / GEOLOGICAL SETTING: Restricted second and third order basins within linear, fault-controlled marine, epicratonic troughs and basins. There is often evidence of penecontemporaneous movement on faults bounding sites of sulphide deposition. The depositional environment varies from deep, starved marine to ? shallow water restricted shelf.

AGE OF MINERALIZATION: The major metallogenic events are Middle Proterozoic, Early Cambrian, Early Silurian and Middle to Late Devonian to Mississippian. The Middle Proterozoic and Devonian-Mississippian events are recognized worldwide. In the Canadian Cordillera, minor metallogenic events occur in the Middle Ordovician and Early Devonian.

HOST/ASSOCIATED ROCK TYPES: The most common hostrocks are those found in euxinic, starved basin environments, namely, carbonaceous black shale, siltstone, cherty argillite and chert. Thin interbeds of turbiditic sandstone, granule to pebble conglomerate, pelagic limestone and dolostone, although volumetrically minor, are common. Evaporites, calcareous siltstone and mudstone are common in shelf settings. Small volumes of volcanic rocks, typically tuff and submarine mafic flows, may be present within the host succession. Slump breccia, fan conglomerates and similar deposits occur near synsedimentary growth faults. Rapid facies and thickness changes are found near the margins of second and third order basins. In some basins high-level mafic sills with minor dikes are important.

DEPOSIT FORM: These deposits are stratabound, tabular to lens shaped and are typically comprised of many beds of laminae of sulphide and/or barite. Frequently the lenses are stacked and more than one horizon is economic. Ore lenses and mineralized beds often are part of a sedimentary succession up to hundreds of metres thick. Horizontal extent is usually much greater than vertical extent. Individual laminae or beds may persist over tens of kilometres within the depositional basin.

TEXTURE/STRUCTURE: Sulphide and barite laminae are usually very finely crystalline where deformation is minor. In intensely folded deposits, coarser grained, recrystallized zones are common. Sulphide laminae are typically monomineralic.

ORE MINERALOGY (Principal and subordinate): The principal sulphide minerals are pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite and galena. Some deposits contain significant amounts of chalcopyrite, but most do not. Barite may or may not be a major component of the ore zone. Trace amounts of marcasite, arsenopyrite, bismuthinite, molybdenite, enargite, millerite, freibergite, cobaltite, cassiterite, valleriite and melnikovite have been reported from these deposits. These minerals are usually present in very minor amounts.

ALTERATION MINERALOGY: Alteration varies from well developed to nonexistent. In some deposits a stockwork and disseminated feeder zone lies beneath, or adjacent to, the stratiform mineralization. Alteration minerals, if present, include silica, tourmaline, carbonate, albite, chlorite and dolomite. They formed in a relatively low temperature environment. Celsian, Ba-muscovite and ammonium clay minerals have also been reported but are probably not common.

ORE CONTROLS: Favourable sedimentary sequences, major structural breaks, basins.

GENETIC MODEL: The deposits accumulate in restricted second and third order basins or half grabens bounded by synsedimentary growth faults. Exhalative centres occur along these faults and the exhaled brines accumulate in adjacent seafloor depressions. Biogenic reduction of seawater sulphate within an anoxic brine pool is believed to control sulphide precipitation.

ASSOCIATED DEPOSIT TYPES: Associated deposit types include carbonate-hosted sedimentary exhalative, such as the Kootenay Arc and Irish deposits, bedded bariteand iron formation.


GEOCHEMICAL SIGNATURE: The deposits are typically zoned with Pb found closest to the vent grading outward and upward into more Zn-rich facies. Cu is usually found either within the feeder zone of close to the exhalative vent. Barite, exhalative chert and hematite-chert iron formation, if present, are usually found as a distal facies. Sediments such as pelagic limestone interbedded with the ore zone may be enriched in Mn. NH3 anomalies have been documented at some deposits, as have Zn, Pb and Mn haloes. The host stratigraphic succession may also be enriched in Ba on a basin-wide scale.

GEOPHYSICAL SIGNATURE: Airborne and ground geophysical surveys, such as electromagnetics or magnetics should detect deposits that have massive sulphide zones, especially if these are steeply dipping. However, the presence of graphite-rich zones in the host sediments can complicate the interpretation of EM conductors. Also, if the deposits are flat lying and comprised of fine laminae distributed over a significant stratigraphic interval, the geophysical response is usually too weak to be definitive. Induced polarization can detect flat-lying deposits, especially if disseminated feeder zones are present.

OTHER EXPLORATION GUIDES: The principal exploration guidelines are appropriate sedimentary environment and stratigraphic age. Restricted marine sedimentary sequences deposited in an epicratonic extensional tectonic setting during the Middle Proterozoic, Early Cambrian, Early Silurian or Devono-Mississippian ages are the most favourable.


GRADE AND TONNAGE: The median tonnage for this type of deposit worldwide is 15 Mt, with 10 % of deposits in excess of 130 Mt (Briskey, 1986). The median grades worldwide are Zn - 5.6%, Pb - 2.8% and Ag - 30 g/t. The Sullivan deposit, one of the largest deposits of this type ever discovered, has a total size of more than 155 Mt grading 5.7% Zn, 6.6% Pb and 7 g/t Ag. Reserves at the Cirque are 32.2 Mt grading 7.9% Zn, 2.1% Pb and 48 g/t Ag.

ECONOMIC LIMITATIONS: The large, near-surface deposits are amenable to high volume, open pit mining operations. Underground mining is used for some deposits.

IMPORTANCE: Sedimentary exhalative deposits currently produce a significant proportion of the world’s Zn and Pb. Their large tonnage potential and associated Ag values make them an attractive exploration target.


Briskey, J.A. (1986): Descriptive Model of Sedimentary Exhalative Zn-Pb; in Mineral Deposit Models, Cox, D.P. and Singer, D.A., Editors, U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 1693, 379 pages.

Carne, R.C. and Cathro, R.J. (1982): Sedimentary-exhalative (Sedex) Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits, Northern Canadian Cordillera; Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bulletin, Volume 75, pages 66-78.

Gustafson, L.B. and Williams, N. (1981): Sediment-hosted Stratiform Deposits of Copper, Lead and Zinc; in Economic Geology Seventy-fifth Anniversary Volume, 1905-1980, Skinner, B.J., Editor, Economic Geology Publishing Co., pages 139-178.

Large, D.E. (1981): Sediment-hosted Submarine Exhalative Sulphide Deposits - a Review of their Geological Characteristics and Genesis; in Handbook of Stratabound and Stratiform Ore Deposits, Wolfe, K.E., Editor, Geological Association of Canada, Volume 9, pages 459-507.

Large, D.E. (1983): Sediment-hosted Massive Sulphide Lead-Zinc Deposits; in Short Course in Sedimentary Stratiform Lead-Zinc Deposits, Sangster, D.F., Editor, Mineralogical Association of Canada, pages 1-29.

MacIntyre, D.G. (1991): Sedex - Sedimentary-exhalative Deposits, in Ore Deposits, Tectonics and Metallogeny in the Canadian Cordillera, McMillan, W.J., Coordinator, B. C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Paper 1991-4, pages 25- 69.

Sangster, D.F. (1986): Classifications, Distribution and Grade-Tonnage Summaries of Canadian Lead-Zinc Deposits; Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Report 37, 68 pages.

DEPÓSITOS - 26/04/2004 18:02:00

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